Signing Up

  • Before you can sign up for events you must first complete a players registration form (account) or login to your existing account.
  • We have modified the payment process, you can add the annual fee to your cart, then add the event (s) to your cart and check out in a single transaction.
  • You can  not delete the Annual fee from your cart and check out for any events.
  • If you belong to an organization that pays your annual fee, and they have certified with CPFAA you can select that organization from the drop down “Do you work for any of these organizations”
  • If it is not letting you see the event sign up button after adding the annual fee to your cart try checking out with only the annual transaction then log back into your account and adding the event fee. (if this happens please notify Steve Lawson stevelawson@cpfaa.org.
  • while signing up for your event make sure to include your T-Shirt size if applicable and you can include a note advising which team your on or including names of team members to help registration match team members with team names.
  • For Golf and Bowling, you may pay for your teammates, all members must  create an individual players registration first. When you’re logged in to register you can add the quantity of Annual fees you want to pay for, (example foursome for golf you would add Qty 4). Process that payment and sign back into your account and add Qty 4 of the Golf event. The system will ask you to add the names of the players you’re paying for and their T-Shirt sizes. Process and pay that fee and your all set.
  • Please email stevelawson@cpfaa.org with any questions about registration or event sign up.

You will need a department photo ID, or photo ID and employment verification (pay stub, letter signed by Chief on Department Stationary with phone number)

No. Unless they are a member of an eligibile organization.

Every competitor must pay a $35.00 registration fee; this is a one time per year cost. You can enter as many events as your body can take and you only pay the $35.00 basic fee once. If you get your paid registration in prior to the entry deadline date you receive a free competitor t-shirt. Next you will need to pay the event fee, every event will have a different event fee associated with that event.

For example if you register for softball your basic yearly registration fee is $35.00. The event fee associated with Softball is $20.00 total cost would be $55.00 per competitor. Now if you wanted to enter flag football also the event cost is $21.00 making your total fee $76.00.

Using our on line registration feature will make this process simple.  We do all the math for you!   If you prefer to NOT register on line, you can call Steve Lawson (720) 252-7105 or email stevelawson@cpfaa.org.


NO, most venues allow on site check in.
If you have been on line and created your account we can check you in at the venue.
However to save time we recommend you have your account created, registered for your events and payment processed before you arrive on site at the venue.


Agencies/Members Eligible: Active or retired affiliate or Spouse and proof thereof. Municipal Police or Fire, Corrections Officers, Police Reserves, US customs, County Fire, Volunteer Fire, Marshals, FBI, CBI, CIA, DA’s, US Immigration, Secret Service, US Fish and Game, Highway Patrol, Parole Officers, US Forest service, Postal Inspectors, Sheriff’s Department, State Police, State patrol, University police, Animal Control, Police and Fire Dispatchers, Police or Fire support staff, Military Police and Fire (must be primary MOS or AFSC), Emergency Medical Response Personal. Any city, county, state or federal employees of emergency management offices are eligible.

If in doubt on eligibility, call us at (720) 407-4461 Steve Lawson or Paul Ortega (303) 921-1180 or e-mail any state director.