Racquetball-“A” Division

Date(s) - 28/07/2021
9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Pueblo Athletic Club

Click here to get registered for this event

What is an “A” Division Racquetball Player?
Knowledge of Rules: Knows all rules of the game
Play Frequency: A player who plays regularly and is a top player in the club.
Training Regimen: Trains for racquetball and possibly doing racquetball specific fitness training off court.
Backhand vs Forehand: Both backhand and forehand shots are near equal. Can execute a lethal kill shot with either.
Knowledge of Shots/Serves: Has high level of knowledge of shots, serves, and strategy.
Shot Accuracy: Has a high percentage of executing most shots and no apparent weaknesses. Perfected the kill shot and now re-kills opponents’ attempted kill shots. Passing shots are effective from all areas of the court and are used consistently throughout the game.
Strategy: Knows and executes offensive/defensive strategies.
Anticipation and Angles: Anticipates rather than chasing the ball.
Court Position: Knows and executes good court positioning and offensive/defensive strategies.
Participation: Can and probably does compete in sanctioned tournaments. May seek to participate in AARA Elite Camp and either has a coach or is seeking a coach.